OPI addict

They say the first sign of fixing a problem is acknowledging you have a problem. While I agree with that in most instances. This is not one. I understand I have a bit of a problem when it comes to my nail polish addiction, yet while recognizing that, I have no intention to do anything about it.

Something that feels so right, can’t possibly be wrong.

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I prefer to do my own manicures and over the years have developed a routine of painting them on Sundays and Wednesdays. I do take the occasional mandatory “polish vacation” where I dare to let my nails go bare for a few days. This is a necessary practice to let your nails go bare to absorb sunlight and oxygen to keep them growing healthy and strong. No one wants nails that are yellowing, dry, brittle or splitting. The polish vacation will keep you on the right side of those unsightly conditions!

My addiction to OPI was leading me to outgrow the baskets I had bought for my polishes. They were no longer fitting in them and so much to my neat-freak husband’s dismay, my bottles were popping up in other places of the house, mostly the coffee table in our living room and kitchen counters… and maybe in his bathroom… oh and the dining room table – you get the point.

Plus,  having them in a basket was beginning to present another problem. I was forgetting the colors I had and was starting to buy duplicates! And at $10 a pop, that can become an expensive mistake when you keep repeating it!

I fancy myself a problem solver so I had a job at hand! My solution – I needed a way that I could store, organize and maintain my polishes where I could see my inventory at all times and avoid forgetting colors I already owned. My solution – a nail rack fit for a professional!

This is now what happily hangs in my bathroom:

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Well to be fair, this was taken over the summer, they have multiplied a bit since then so there are no empty spaces… may be time for a second rack! See – problem solver! That’s me! 🙂

This rack has been an amazing addition, that keeps me and the hubs happy and keeps my duplicate problem at bay! (except for the times when I mean to buy a duplicate because I love the color so much…)

I got mine on amazon and it holds 96 bottles. If you want one too, here she is: bare nail rack

Happy Painting!!